Prospective Mentors

About Inter L&S 250

At the core of URS is the partnership that is forged between student and mentor through the student’s research experience. Developing this partnership depends on how you guide the student as their mentor. Mentors guide students in learning many aspects of a research process including but not limited to:

  • Data collection methods
  • Literature reviews
  • Developing a thesis, question, and/or hypotheses
  • Research design
  • Presenting research results
  • Careers in research
  • Research writing
  • Research ethics

URS course evaluations and exit interviews show that students find their experience in URS to be a major influence in shaping their educational and career paths. This helps them succeed in the crucial transition to college. Compared to their peers, URS students declare their majors earlier, finish their degrees at a higher rate, and graduate with higher GPA’s even though many enter UW-Madison with comparatively lower ACT and other test scores. For these and similar reasons URS is recognized as a “high impact” educational experience. We attribute this successful impact to your involvement and commitment as a mentor.

Faculty, staff and graduate students are eligible to mentor URS students. Students begin their research in the fall semester and are expected to stay with the same project through the spring as well as presenting their research and creative work projects at the Undergraduate Symposium.

To submit a research opportunity click here.