The URS program is one of many great ways to be involved in research/creative work on the UW-Madison campus. Here are others:
The URS Program is hosted under College of Letters & Science-Student Academic Affairs
Partner Programs:
College of Agricultural & Life Sciences (CALS) Honors Program
Center for Academic Excellence (CAE)
Mercile J. Lee Scholars Program
Center for Educational Opportunity (CeO)
L&S Honors Program
Leaders in Engineering Excellence and Diversity (LEED)
McNair Scholars Program
Precollege Enrichment Opportunity Program for Learning Excellence (PEOPLE) Program
Summer Collegiate Experience (SCE)
First Wave Scholarship Program
Wisconsin Emerging Scholars Program (WES)
Women in Science and Engineering (WISE)
Posse Program
Summer STEM Catalyst Program
Badger Aid for Nonresidents (BANNER)
Related Cross-Campus Research Programs:
UW-Madison Undergraduate Research Portal
researchERs (Emerging Research Scholars) Program
Summer Research Opportunities Program (SROP)
Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE)
Opportunities (for on-campus presentation or publication):
Archive: A Journal of Undergraduate History
The Digital Salon
Division of the Arts (subscribe to the DoTA newsletter on the website for information about exhibits, events and competitions)
Equilibrium: The Undergraduate Journal of Economics at UW-Madison
Illumination: The Undergraduate Journal of Humanities
Journal of Undergraduate International Studies
Journal of Undergraduate Science & Technology
Latinx Studies Journal
The Madison Review
The annual Undergraduate Symposium showcases undergraduate creativity, achievement, research, service-learning and community-based research from all areas of study at UW-Madison including the humanities, arts, biological sciences, physical sciences, social sciences, and computer data and information sciences. At the end of the spring semester, all URS Scholars are required to participate in the campus-wide Undergraduate Symposium where they formally present their work. Each Scholar must submit a mentor-approved research or creative work abstract to be accepted into the symposium.
Read more about the annual Undergraduate Symposium.